Real-time authentication of any image based relationship
MemAuth assists in Recipient retention and secures revenue with real-time authentication. The MemAuth secure logo ensures genuine legitimacy.
With dynamic customisable attributes a certification logo provides forgery resistant verification.
MemAuth adds significant value protecting the reputation of the industry, issuers and recipients whilst being affordable and simple to manage for issuers of all sizes.
MemAuth protects recipient and industry reputation by providing a clear and secure way to differentiate authenticated legitimate and current members.
The secure logo cannot be copied by those pretending to be a valid recipient. The secure logo only need sto be adde once, it’s simple and takes just a minute.
Once the secure logo is added to the website, it can be automatically updated to reflect features such membership year.
In looking for a potential provider for any service or product an obvious part of due diligence is checking to see if that company is a genuine member or partner of an Association or other legitimate community.
Clearly any company can copy a logo and place it on their website, however real-time proof of status provides reassurance for consumers.
It supports companies that support their industry. See ing the validated logo makes this decision easy.

Association Membership
Industry Associations represent a voice to government and protect the reputation of an industry. Ensure only verified commercially current members can show their authenticated membership logo and certificate.

Vendor Partner Programs
Add value to resellers with formal recognition of their skills to aid in their business development and support increased vendor revenue via channel partners.

Training Compliance
Verification an acceptable level of training and education has been reached by a member of a Assocation or industry body.

Certificaton & Accreditation
For consumers make purchasing decisions easier with internationally recognised certifications such as ISO 7000, that defines a set of pictograms and symbols for public information.

Buying Groups
Demonstrate membership of a buying group which can result in consumers gaining access to greater discounts or specific products and services.

Panel Contracts
In real-time validate the status of companies permitted to supply to government and statutory authorities. Provide an additional incentive to apply for panel contracts.

Brand Protection
When a third party is provided with use of your brand, MemAuth provides a robust authenticated validation of its use.

Other Applications
MemAuth can be used anywhere there is a need to verify the authenticity of a image, or more specifically those associated with the image and centralise image control.