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How to keep memberships current
As we close out 2021 and look towards the new year wouldn’t be great if you current members had the Association membership logo on their website automatically updated to reflect the new year. Yes, right you say, how are we going to make that happen?

See what’s going on with the comprehensive dashboard
What self respecting application would not be complete without a Dashboard? Instantly after logging in you are greeted with a comprehensive insight into all the

A Guide To MemAuth Nomenclature and Other Impressive Words
Ah, those days when things were simpler. When we first saw the need for in very simplistic terms Secure and Authenticated images, the user we

Covid 19 Illustrates the Importance of Image Security.
One on the greatest challenges of the past 100 years has been the pandemic the emerged in December 2020. Sciences was amazingly fast to respond

Announcing the Early Access Program
For a few prudent organisations MemAuth is providing access to its Early Access Program (EAP). The EAP provides some great benefits those few that enter