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Recipient Import

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Import Recipients/Members

Quickly and easily import large numbers of Recipients or members using our CSV file import facility.

Follow the three steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Recipients menu
  2. Click the Import button at the top of the screen
  3. Select your prepared CSV file and click Upload


Not sure how to prepare your CSV file, download our easy to follow example csv file so that the columns of data can be matched as such:

Sample CSV File

Logon, navigate to Recipients, click the Import button, click the link at the bottom of the dialog to download the sample CSV file. Or simply click here to download it directly.

CSV File Structure: Note the file should have one row at the top for the column headings, use the ones from the above sample file. Columns are separated by commas and lines by carriage return. It is always best to use a plain text editor rather than a word-processor or spreadsheet. If there are commas, apostrophes or other punctuation characters in a column it is very important to wrap the data for that column in double quote characters.

Using Batches

Batches make it easy to find imported recipients/members in the future as a set of records. Simply add whatever text best describes your import to the Batch field before importing. After you import your recipients/members each of them will have that text in the Batch column of the recipients screen. Later you can simply do a search for that batch name and find that set of records. Once found you can use the Mass Update function to update their Status, the applied secure image/log or the batch name.

To search for a batch navigate to the Recipients screen, select the Batch column from the first drop-down in the search control within the top right toolbar. In the next drop-down select what sort of search or how you want to match the text of the batch name. Contains or equals are good options here.

Then enter the text of the batch name in the Search field in the search control, type enter on the keyboard or click the magnifying glass to perform the search. The found recipients will be displayed in the table below.

Apply Secure Image

When importing a set/group of recipients/members you can automatically assign each new recipient to one of your secure images. Make sure you have at least one secure image entered before importing your recipients to do this. Don’t worry if this is not the case as the Mass Update function can be used to apply secure images to a set of recipients later, best label the import set with a batch name to make this possible, see Using Batched above.

To apply a secure image to a set of imported recipients/members just select a secure image from the drop down ‘Image’ list before clicking the Upload button. This will assign the selected secure image to each recipient record as it is imported.

Important: Recipient Domain

It is critical to enter a valid recipient domain as the secure image/logo will not appear on their website at all if this is not correct.

Make sure a SSL secure domain is used, it must start with “HTTPS://” or “https://”  where the “s” represents a site secured by a SSL certificate. If the site is not secure or the domain is incorrect your secure image will not appear on the recipient/members site. Also important that there is no path or filename after the domain name. So is correct but something like or will fail, the secure image will not load.




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